• Does My Pet Dream?

    Are humans the only mammals who dream? Find out if your pet experiences dreams and nightmares.

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  • Bloat in Dogs

    Bloat may end your dog's life if you're not aware of the symptoms.

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  • Why is My Dog Vomiting?

    Even healthy dogs vomit from time to time. Find out what causes the common health problem.

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  • Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs

    There are an increasing number of cases of dogs getting sick from ingesting a common sugar substitute, xylitol. This substance causes no problems in people, but in dogs it can cause wild fluctuations in blood sugar, often leading to a severe hypoglycemia. It can also cause liver failure. Xylitol is

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  • Xylitol Food Additive Harmful to Household Pets

    People love sweets and so do many dogs. In fact, some dogs love their family's sweet treats and sneak bites of it when the humans aren't looking. You or your children probably also share goodies with your family pet. Many sweets are made with the substance called xylitol. Xylitol is used to manufacture

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